Applies to:
Oracle Workflow Cartridge - Version: 11.5.9 to - Release: 11.5 to 11.5Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 06-JUL-2011
How to Delete the Approve, Reject, and Request More Information Buttons from wokflow e-mail notifications.Need only 'Click Here to Respond' link in order to sign into applications and access the Notifications Detail web page.
Client e-mail software does not interpret correctly the mailto tag.
1. To change the message template for ALL the notification messages requesting a response, this is the solution.Change the Open Notification Template parameter value for Workflow Notification Mailer.
Change the Open Notification Template from Workflow Open Mail (Templated) to Workflow Open
Mail for Outlook Express.
a. Go to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM).
b. Navigate to WF Manager.
c. Select Service Components Link.
d. Select Workflow Notification Mailer Link.
f. Advance until step #4.
g. Change the the Open Notification Template from Workflow Open Mail (Templated) to Workflow Open
Mail for Outlook Express.
h. Save the changes and re-start the workflow mailer.
b. Navigate to WF Manager.
c. Select Service Components Link.
d. Select Workflow Notification Mailer Link.
f. Advance until step #4.
g. Change the the Open Notification Template from Workflow Open Mail (Templated) to Workflow Open
Mail for Outlook Express.
h. Save the changes and re-start the workflow mailer.
2. To hide the 'Request More Information' link in the workflow notifications (generally in the approval workflows), do the following:
- Open the workflow builder.
- Get connected to the database.
- Open your workflow.
- Open the workflow process in which we want remove this link.
- Expand: Messages in this process.
- Goto appropriate message of the notification.
- Do right click and select 'New Attribute'.
- Enter the following data:
1. Internal Name: #HIDE_MOREINFO
2. Display Name: Request Information
3. Description: Request Information
4. Value: Y.
- Click APPLY.
- Save the workflow process definition into the database.
- Get connected to the database.
- Open your workflow.
- Open the workflow process in which we want remove this link.
- Expand: Messages in this process.
- Goto appropriate message of the notification.
- Do right click and select 'New Attribute'.
- Enter the following data:
1. Internal Name: #HIDE_MOREINFO
2. Display Name: Request Information
3. Description: Request Information
4. Value: Y.
- Click APPLY.
- Save the workflow process definition into the database.
Next time a requisition is sent for approval, the Request More Information button will be hidden.
NOTE: This is considered a customization, if any patch overwrite this workflow, the
customization above will be lost.
Please check the PART NO: B10284-02 (Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide) for more information.