Tuesday, December 15, 2015

PO approval workflow is failing with the error --Failed Activit: Get PO Attributes -- Error Stack : Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(PO_POAPPROVAL_INIT1.GET_PO_ATTRIBUTES, POAPPRV, 562566-638453, 265219, RUN)

Issue:    PO approval workflow is failing with the error

Failed Activity
Get PO Attributes http://appprod.tic.toshiba.com:8000/OA_HTML/cabo/images/swan/t.gif
Activity Type
Function http://appprod.tic.toshiba.com:8000/OA_HTML/cabo/images/swan/t.gif
Error Name
-6512 http://appprod.tic.toshiba.com:8000/OA_HTML/cabo/images/swan/t.gif
Error Message
ORA-06512: at line http://appprod.tic.toshiba.com:8000/OA_HTML/cabo/images/swan/t.gif
Error Stack
Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(PO_POAPPROVAL_INIT1.GET_PO_ATTRIBUTES, POAPPRV, 562566-638453, 265219, RUN) http://appprod.tic.toshiba.com:8000/OA_HTML/cabo/images/swan/t.gif

Solution: There might be multiple reasons. Below would be one of the issues.
The PO distribution line id is having quantity ordered ‘0’ and it is causing the issue.
I found one Metalink id Purchase Agreement Fails Under GET_PO_ATTRIBUTES Activity (Doc ID 460332.1)

After performing the below data fix. It resolved my issue.

Delete from po_distributions_all
where po_header_id = '562566'
and po_line_id=565160
and req_distribution_id=219153

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Disable Self Service Personalization

Issue Description
Is there any way we could ignore all self service personalization. We want to test a scenario where we want that system should work as per standard options and effect of all personalization should be ignored?
Login to System Admin Responsibility and click on system function following the navigation mentioned in figure below
Disable Personalization
Following Screen Appears
Self Service Personalization
Such option should be set at user level.
Select check box of User and enter the User Name and in the profile field enter the profile option name Disable Self-Service Personal and click on find button
Self Service Personalization
As a result, following screen will appear. This profile is ‘No‘ at site level by default. Set the value ‘Yes‘ as shown below
Disable Self Service Personalization
Save it and clear global cache. You can get the steps to clear global cache from here.
As soon as cache is cleared, warning message will start appearing on the login page. Find the screen shot below to see the message appearing on login screen.
Disable Self Service
This message will appear on all self service pages in the application.
Disable Self Service Personalization
You should change this profile option again to No once your investigation is completed.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

To find the concurrent program submission interval

SELECT req.request_id
, decode (prg.user_concurrent_program_name, 'Report Set', 'Report Set:' || req.description, prg.user_concurrent_program_name) AS name
, argument_text as parameters
, req.resubmit_interval
, nvl2 (req.resubmit_interval, 'Periodically', nvl2 (req.release_class_id, 'On specific days', 'Once')) AS schedule_type
, decode (nvl2 (req.resubmit_interval, 'Periodically', nvl2 (req.release_class_id, 'On specific days', 'Once')),
'Periodically', 'Every ' || req.resubmit_interval || ' ' || lower(req.resubmit_interval_unit_code) || ' from ' || lower(req.resubmit_interval_type_code) || ' of previous run',
'Once', 'At :' || to_char (req.requested_start_date, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI'), 'Every: ' || crc.class_info) as schedule
, fus.user_name as owner
, to_char(requested_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as next_submission
apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl prg
, apps.fnd_concurrent_requests req
, apps.fnd_user fus
, apps.fnd_conc_release_classes crc
AND prg.application_id = req.program_application_id
AND prg.concurrent_program_id = req.concurrent_program_id
AND req.requested_by = fus.user_id
AND req.phase_code = 'P'
AND req.requested_start_date > sysdate 
AND prg.language = 'US'
AND crc.release_class_id(+) = req.release_class_id
AND crc.application_id(+) = req.release_class_app_id

Monday, June 25, 2012

To find out profile option set at which level

select substr(ot.user_profile_option_name,1,35),
decode(level_id,10001, 'Site', 10002, 'Application', 10003, 'Responsibility', 10004, 'User') lev,
decode(level_id,10001, null, 10002, a.application_name, 10003, r.responsibility_name, 10004, u.user_name) lev_value,
v.profile_option_value opt_value
from fnd_profile_option_values v,
fnd_profile_options o,
fnd_profile_options_tl ot,
fnd_application_tl a,
fnd_responsibility_tl r,
fnd_user u
where LEVEL_VALUE = decode(level_id, 10004, u.user_id, 10003, r.responsibility_id, 10002, a.application_id,10001,0)
and v.profile_option_id = o.profile_option_id
and v.application_id = o.application_id
and a.application_id (+) = v.level_value
and r.responsibility_id (+) = v.level_value
--and o.application_id = 275
and u.user_id (+) = v.level_value
and ot.profile_option_name = o.profile_option_name
and nvl(ot.language,'US') = 'US'
and sysdate between nvl(o.start_date_active, sysdate)
and nvl(o.end_date_active,sysdate)
and v.profile_option_value is not null
and ot.user_profile_option_name like 'PJI_%Debug%' order by 1

Friday, June 22, 2012

Query to find the concurrent program status which ran today

SELECT DISTINCT fcp.user_concurrent_program_name,
                flv.meaning status,
  FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp,
       apps.fnd_concurrent_requests    fcr,
       apps.fnd_lookup_values          flv
 WHERE fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
   AND trunc(fcr.last_update_date) = trunc(SYSDATE)
   AND flv.lookup_code = fcr.status_code
   and fcp.user_concurrent_program_name = 'Program name'
   AND flv.lookup_type = 'CP_STATUS_CODE'
   AND flv.language = 'US'
 ORDER BY fcr.request_date,
          fcr.request_id DESC;

Friday, June 15, 2012

When responsibility added to user and it is not showing in the web based application then run the below query to see the responsibility added or not.

Newly added responsibilities not being shown is another symptom of this delay in Java Cache processing
Run the following script to verify that the data is correct:
set linesize 155;
set pagesize 200;
set verify off;

column USER_ID format 9999999999;
column RESP_ID format 9999999999;
column RESP_NAME format a60;
column RESP_APP_ID format 9999999999;
column SEC_GRP_ID format 9999999999;

select fu.user_id, fo.RESPONSIBILITY_ID resp_id, RESPONSIBILITY_NAME resp_name, fo.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID resp_app_id, fo.SECURITY_GROUP_ID sec_grp_id
from fnd_user_resp_groups fo, fnd_responsibility_vl fv, fnd_user fu
where fu.user_id=fo.user_id
and fu.user_name='<affected_user>'

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

API to delete Template in OTL

hxc_self_service_time_deposit.delete_timecard(37275916, sysdate, 'DELETE','OTL Deposit Process',null);