Friday, June 15, 2012

When responsibility added to user and it is not showing in the web based application then run the below query to see the responsibility added or not.

Newly added responsibilities not being shown is another symptom of this delay in Java Cache processing
Run the following script to verify that the data is correct:
set linesize 155;
set pagesize 200;
set verify off;

column USER_ID format 9999999999;
column RESP_ID format 9999999999;
column RESP_NAME format a60;
column RESP_APP_ID format 9999999999;
column SEC_GRP_ID format 9999999999;

select fu.user_id, fo.RESPONSIBILITY_ID resp_id, RESPONSIBILITY_NAME resp_name, fo.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID resp_app_id, fo.SECURITY_GROUP_ID sec_grp_id
from fnd_user_resp_groups fo, fnd_responsibility_vl fv, fnd_user fu
where fu.user_id=fo.user_id
and fu.user_name='<affected_user>'

1 comment:

  1. Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Cloud Self Paced Training Videos by Industry Experts. Please check
